Friday, October 25, 2019

A Little Bit About Me

Hi everyone.

Now this is a blog post about me where I'll share some fun stuff about me. This is me trying to socialize and open up about myself.

Most of you guys probably know that I like history, auto racing and cars, weather stuff, and, of course, Victoria Justice and Victorious related stuff.

However, I'd like to share some stuff related to this. First of all, I like Victoria because she's been a positive influence for me. She's almost always very positive and happy, and I was drawn to her for that reason. Also, the show Victorious, for what it was, was great and the rest of the cast is also cool.

Also, I've been interested in weather related stuff my whole life and how it works. And I've been interested in cars and stuff because my father and uncle used to be involved in racing and were/are mechanics. And it's also from my parents that I also got my interest in history.
Now, here's some stuff that you might not know about me. I'm a bit of an empath. That's one of the reason why I tend to hang around women, because they do seem to be more empathetic, generally, than men, not to discredit my guy friends.

I'm also into stuff like talking about women's fashion and what they do with that stuff. I also like doing women's nails and stuff like that.

I also like to cook, though I've tended to be a bit lazy about it recently. I usually make like fried chicken and chicken taco salads/nachos, which ever you prefer to call it. I'll also probably start soon making chicken Mexican style wraps. Technically you can maybe call them burritos, I guess, but I don't quite consider what I want to do with them the same.

So that's some stuff about me, and I hope that whoever reads this finds it kinda interesting.

Everyone have a good one

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