Hi again everyone.
This is me with more Hitman 3 Trilogy gameplay experiences.
I feel that I need to address and expand upon some of the stuff I mentioned and some things that I'd like to add.
First off, when it comes to weapons, what I said as far as outright damage abilities is true. However, that's at the upclose and personal range. Assault/automatic rifles on a per shot basis do about the same damage as a .45 pistol shot. However, range does come into play. At longer ranges (say about 50 yards/meters), assault rifles will still deal a kill with 3 shots, and even at ranges further than that. With a M1911 type pistol, that drops off to 4-5 shots, maybe even more, at those ranges. And 9mm class pistols do even less damage at long ranges.
So for mid-range combat, the auto rifle is your best bet for stopping power and fire power. Submachine guns, aside from full auto capabilities, I'd rate as roughly equal to pistols, as, after all, SMGs fire pistol ammo. That said, they're still a fun gameplay addition when used properly.
There's only one true semi-automatic rifle in the game, and it's got the perk of making one shot kills, albeit at almost melee distances. At most ranges, it does about the same damage as a normal auto rifle, though you can be a better marksman and conserve ammo with it.
Sniper rifles are best at long range, obviously. This is not just because of their nature. Until a patch comes out, most are a pain to use indoors or in low light because unless you point them at a light source, the scopes tend to cloud up unless you zoom in, which isn't really an option on the so-called scout rifles. Speaking of which, I do consider in my own opinion, the scout snipers to be fairly useless. They're good for heat shots at fairly close range, and they can deliver rapid aimed fire, but you can't zoom the scope, and they can sometimes take multiple hits to the body to take down an enemy, which does limit their usefulness.
There's also shotguns, which, as I said, generally do what you expect. Great for close range combat, but performance and accuracy drop off essentially as expected. Especially since they use actual shot, not shotgun slugs.
There's also two pistols known as the Striker, which is a magnum caliber Colt M1911 type pistol. As you'd imagine, it's slow firing and not as easy to use as several of 47's customized pistols, but it's hitting power is hard to ignore for close range engagements.
And, this being a stealth-themed game, you have silenced weapons. In line with real life, the use of suppressors reduce noise signature, though (also like in real life) at some cost to range and performance. That being said, in real life if you fire full power rifle ammo though a suppressor, it'll muffle the sound somewhat, maybe to (barely) hearing safe levels. But you still will have significant noise from the shot, let alone the crack made from the bullet breaking the sound barrier (same will also happen with supersonic capable pistol rounds fired though a suppressor). But, again, a fun addition.
In addition, I feel I should comment more on the scenery of the game. Which if you like scenery porn, Hitman's World of Assassination trilogy (which you get with the Hitman 3 Trilogy pack, as in all three games in one, though you may also have to get some DLC to get 100% content from all the games). Among the locations you'll be visiting include Paris, a fictionalized city on Italy's Amalfi coast, Marrakesh, Bangkok, the plains of Colorado, an elite Japanese hospital, a New Zealand beach, Miami, the Colombian rain forest, India, a small town in Vermont, an Island in the North Atlantic, New York City, the Maldives, Dubai, the Dartmoor area of England, a dance club on the outskirts of Berlin, a secret facility run by 47's former agency in China, a vineyard in Argentina, and a train going though Romania's Carpathian Mountains.
Each location has it's own atmosphere, from a Paris fashion show where seedy dealings are being done, to bright and sunny coastal Italy, to equally bright and sunny Miami, to Mumbai slums, to a rain forest, to secluded night club, to a Maldives beach resort, to a rainy, dark, English manor house (which if you do a side mission becomes sunny and cheerful), to a snowy train trip. You also can gain mastery point bonuses for exploring each location that you're able to explore. So in addition to globe trekking, you're sort of encouraged to explore to find locations and secrets.
That's what I'd like to add to Hitman 3 for now, though I may find more things to talk about or elaborate on later.
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